Did you know March is National Essential Tremor month? Essential tremor (ET) is often mistaken for Parkinson’s disease, yet it is eight times more common. ET is a neurological condition typically marked by tremors in the hands, head, and/or voice. Approximately 10 million Americans have ET, with symptoms beginning at any age.

Our movement disorders specialists at the Parkinson’s Institute and Clinical Center (PICC) treat essential tremor and dystonia, as well as many other movement disorders. We bring the same passion, commitment, and care to our work with all movement disorders patients. “Our vision remains focused to provide excellent patient care and clinical research that will lead to treatments for Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and other movement disorders,” says Dr. Kristin Andruska, Clinic Medical Director and Movement Disorders Specialist.

“Our mission at the Parkinson’s Institute and Clinical Center is to provide exceptional, comprehensive services for patients,” said CEO Brian Coulter. “For Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders patients, including essential tremor and dystonia patients, those comprehensive services include expert neurological evaluation and treatment, physical and speech therapy, patient education and wellness classes, and community-based information seminars.”

Click Here to learn more about essential tremor.