How is Parkinson’s Diagnosed?
At this time, there is not a lab test to determine if an individual has Parkinson’s. The diagnosis of Parkinson’s and related disorders is made based on a careful and thorough history of symptoms and neurologic exam.
How is Parkinson’s Treated?
No two individuals experience the disease in exactly the same way, so treatments need to be catered to each individual’s needs. Treatments can include exercise, physical therapy, voice therapy, medications, injections, and other interventions. In addition, a healthy balanced diet, adequate rest, and relaxation aids in managing the condition.
A Team-Based Approach
We take a comprehensive approach to care. We have a team of excellent physicians, nurses, speech therapists, physical therapists, trainers, and more.
Patient care, research, and clinical trials form what we call our circle of care. There is no better place to receive treatment for this disease than at Parkinson’s Institute and Clinical Center.